Uitgesproken. Deus Ex Machina #141.

Met bijdragen van Delphine Lecompte & Swoon, Stefan Hertmans (met zijn broer Peter), Ellen Deckwitz en Ingmar Heytze (als Asfaltfeeën), Didi De Paris & Knelpunt, Andy Fierens (& the Androids), Michaël Vandebril & Swoon, Serge Van Duijnhoven (met Dichters dansen … Lees Meer

Robert Filliou. Erforschung des Ursprungs (Recherche sur I’Origine).

1974 Düsseldorf, Städtischen Kunsthalle, multiple, Auflage 400 exemplare. Bedruckte papierbahn in einer Rolle (30:950 cm.).

Mit Beiheft. 27p. 15: 10,5 cm. Wasserschaden. Nicht signiert von Filliou, stattdessen mit Widmung (Wasserfleckig aber lesbar) von Daniel Spoerri:

“Robert est mon/ grandfrère,/ mais moi je suis sa/ mêre,/ vous trouvez pas/ que ca complique/ les choses
assez?/ Salute Freddy/ Daniel Spoerri/ 18 okt 74”

Marcel Wauters. Verlangen van het water.

Linnen zakdoekje met gesigneerd handgeschreven gedicht in groen waskrijt. 1968 Wetteren, Poeziemarkt. 28:27,5 cm. Driemaal gevouwen.

Gedicht van Marcel Wauters door hem geschreven en verkocht tijdens de fameuze eerste editie van de Poëziemarkt te Wetteren.

“Verlangen van/ het water:/ ijs te worden/ om te kunnen smelten.”

Ira Cohen (and others). Gnaoua. Number one.

Spring 1964 Tangier (=Antwerp…) No further issues were published.

With contributions by William Burroughs, Ian Summerville, Brion Gysin, Harold Norse, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, J. Sheeper, Jack Smith, Marc Schleifer, Mohammed Ben Abdullah Yussifi, J. Weir, Stuart Gordon, Tatiana, and Alfred Jarry. Edited and published by Ira Cohen.

The Antwerp Publisher ‘Ontwikkeling’ took care of printing and distribution of this legendary underground magazine. A copy of Gnaoua is to be seen in Daniel Kramer’s photograph on the front cover of Bob Dylan’s record sleeve ‘Bringing it all back home’ (1965). Look for it on the mantelpiece!

This is the second edition (not stated) of Gnaoua that was printed in June 1964 and differs only from the first (April 1964) in two small text corrections on pages 87 and 101.

Excellent copy in mint condition.

Sinclair Beiles / William Burroughs / Gregory Corso / Brion Gysin. Minutes to go.

1960 Paris, Two Cities Editions, first edition, 63p. 21:13,5 cm.

Spine with small imperfections and discolouration. Provenance: collection Simon Vinkenoog.

Signed by Beiles, Burroughs and Corso and with two handwritten remarks by Burroughs: Under ‘Open Letter to Life Magazine’ (page 12) he wrote “by Sinclair Beiles”, and to his Cut-up text ‘Mao Tze’ (page 20) he added to the line ‘(fight fight talk talk… talk talk fight fight)’: “Fighting produces fighting./The response to talk/ is talk.”

Droste-Rombouts (Monika Droste et Guy Rombouts). Inventaire.

1991 Bruxelles, La Galerie Camille von Scholz, Editions Camille von numérotés et signés, un des 6 original, découpé numéroté et signé.

Un livre blanco relié en forme du mot ‘Book’ en Azart (un alphabet développé par Monika Droste et Guy Rombouts). La page de la justification de tirage sur une feuille insérée.


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